The Initiative To Eliminate Statelessness

  1. Female Journalists Training 

In 2023, the initiative conducted intensive three-month training for ten female journalists. Two trainers facilitated the training’s two stages. Women rights activist and trainer Nour Burhan facilitated the first stage of training about UN resolution 1325. The second stage was about considering the concepts of resolution 1325 in press articles. It was conducted in cooperation with the Syrian Female Journalists Network (SFJN). Several discussion sessions on the issues of statelessness and discriminatory nationality law against women followed the training. 

The project came out with ten press papers representing our ongoing efforts to raise awareness of statelessness and discriminatory legislation against women, in addition to stressing the role of media in achieving justice and social change.

  1. Documentation training

In 2023, the initiative dedicated training for 15 female field researchers in documenting and treating sensitive cases.

  1. Psychological First Aid Training

The initiative trained 15 female field researchers on psychological first aid for affected women, supporting them with mechanisms to transfer affected women to relevant bodies.