The Initiative To Eliminate Statelessness

Third Episode

The rights denied to Nawal’s children due to legal discrimination extend beyond the rights associated with name and nationality. Even in the realms of health and medicine, they have been deprived, as told in Nawal’s story.

Second Episode

Nawal is sharing with us today the difficulties she had when she tried to register her children and how she was shocked with the laws that denies her basic rights.

First Episode

Nawal, like many other Syrian women, experienced circumstances that completely changed her life. She will tell us the reason she wanted to share her story and why now. #Nawal’sTale produced by the Initiative to Eliminate StatlessnessFunded by EEDProduction: Ayham MalishoScript: Rasha Altabshi/ Abdullah AL- HakawatiAudio: Riman AminIllustration: Walaa Taraqji

Voiceless 2

Back to Podcast Voiceless 2 The podcast narrates moving stories of six women suffering from discriminatory laws that deprived their children of nationality.Presented by: Samar    –    Audio edited by: Jundi Majhul      –      Script: Duja Daood    –    Graphic design: Salim JowiedThe Initiative to Eliminate Statelessness   WILPF 2023 Episode […]


The Initiative to Eliminate Statelessness provides psychological services and consultations for stateless persons and women directly affected by discriminatory nationality laws in cooperation with qualified female and male psychiatrists. For further details, contact us at [email protected] In partnership with Mazaya Women Organization,  The Initiative to Eliminate Statelessness provides legal consultations for stateless persons and mothers […]

My Nationality Their Right

The initiative launched the #MyNationalityTheirRight campaign to raise local community awareness about local and international legislation related to statelessness and women’s right to grant nationality. We also seek to empower people interested in participating in changing discriminatory laws. You can follow or join the campaign via its social media pages.


In 2023, the initiative conducted intensive three-month training for ten female journalists. Two trainers facilitated the training’s two stages. Women rights activist and trainer Nour Burhan facilitated the first stage of training about UN resolution 1325. The second stage was about considering the concepts of resolution 1325 in press articles. It was conducted in cooperation […]

Raising awareness and discussion sessions

1- Since 2019, the initiative has conducted 16 awareness-raising sessions about all the challenges that stateless people face and the legislative discrimination against women regarding granting their nationality. Lawyers, psychological therapists, social specialists, and journalists participated in our sessions. The sessions targeted Syrian women, whether based in Syria or in the diaspora, and representatives of […]


Back to Podcast Voiceless 2 The dialogue-styled podcast addresses statelessness in Syria in six episodes, covering the issue’s social, legal, political, and psychological perspectives.Produced and presented by: Sulafa Lababidi   –   Audio edited by: Al Hakawati    –   Music: Jundi MajhulThe Initiative to Eliminate Statelessness  WILPF 2021 Prison hell. EP1 At the age of 19, a […]

Voiceless 1

Back to Podcast Voiceless 1 The dialogue-styled podcast addresses statelessness in Syria in six episodes, covering the issue’s social, legal, political, and psychological perspectives.Produced and presented by: Sulafa Lababidi   –   Audio edited by: Al Hakawati    –   Music: Jundi MajhulThe Initiative to Eliminate Statelessness  WILPF 2021 I want my right to grant nationality. EP1 Syrian […]